Blogger Reality Show "No roaming"

The Pineapple Group agency arranged the filming of a reality show in the format of a social experiment with the aim of proving the significant differences in way of life in different regions of the country and, together with the show’s heroes, figuring out the spiritual "ties" that, despite their differences, unite everyone. The objective of this project is to make new friends, adapt to a new environment, and gain new experiences while remaining true to oneself in different parts of the country.
regions of the Russia
The show’s heroes are Russians from various parts of the country, including a tour guide, a worker, an IT specialist, a blogger, a farmer, a hotel employee, a Chinese goods seller, and a translator. Throughout the show, they exchange both their current location and vocations, allowing them to not only play someone else’s function but also to experience the mentality of other places, learning the diversity of our country and establishing a common cultural code that unites them.
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more than 27,600,000 views
Institute of Internet Development